In Chapter Two, the writer discusses the two preconditions of the civil liabilities of the corporation promoter, that is, the legal status and obligations of the corporation promoter. 第二章对发起人承担民事责任的两个前提进行了探讨,即发起人的法律地位和义务问题。
Large state corporations are visible, in particular China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation, which is building light rail networks in Lagos and Abuja, as well as road and rail links elsewhere. 中国大型国有企业在尼日利亚随处可见,尤其是中国土木工程集团有限公司(CCECC)。中土正在拉各斯和阿布贾建设轻轨网络,还在其它地区修建公路和铁路。
So, remaking rural micro-organization and promoting rural civil corporation growth are essential and the important organizational vehicle of new countryside building. 由此需要重新构造农村微观组织体系,大力推动乡村社区民间组织的发育,使之成为新农村建设的重要组织载体。
Moreover, fully utilize culture origin of Chinese old era, combine modern mobile capital management and administration experiences, construct international competitive system of brand strategy, forge civil grand brand and realize the magnificence of Chinese corporation among international corporations. 同时,充分利用中国古代文化渊源,结合现代资本运营及管理经验,构建具有国际竞争力的品牌战略体系,打造本土强势品牌,实现中国企业在国际企业界的辉煌。
The Introduction introduces the conception and aim of the company registration. On the Civil Liability to the Third Part for Untrue Corporation Registration 引言部分,首先对公司登记进行概念界定,简要阐明其目的。公司登记失实致第三人损害的民事责任
The Civil Responsibility of Corporation Director 公司董事的民事责任
Chapter 2 analyses the actuality of the civil product development, then put forward a target for the corporation; 第二章对湖南省兵器工业集团有限责任公司的民品发展现状进行了分析,在此基础上提出了今后的发展目标;
Research on Governance of Urban Civil Administration Corporation 市政公用企业公司治理研究
In the modern corporation legal system, the independent personality and independent capacity for the civil liability of corporation sever the liability relationship between the shareholders and creditors, forming the liability relationship between the shareholders and corporation, the liability relationship between corporation and creditors. 在现代公司法律制度中,公司独立的人格和独立的责任能力割断了股东与债权人之间的责任关系,形成了股东与公司之间的责任关系和公司与债权人之间的责任关系。
A Probe into the Civil Obligations of the Initiators after the Establishment of a Corporation Limited COMPANY 股份有限责任公司成立后发起人民事责任探讨
As a creation in period of economic system reformation, Civil Corporation of Science and Technology ( CCS& T) is more and more important in economy development. 民营科技企业作为经济体制改革以来在多元经济发展过程的一种创新,其在经济发展中起着越来越重要的作用。
Talk on the Civil Duty of Corporation Partnership 论法人合伙的民事责任
Research on Directors 'Duties and Civil Liabilities to Corporation 论董事的义务及董事对公司的民事责任
Improving the Civil Liability of Restricted Competitive Behavior by Public-Service Corporation in China 完善我国公用企业限制竞争行为民事责任
Because civil law lacks the ability to control big corporation abusing its intellectual property in destroying the free fair market order, we need other regulations. 而单纯的民法规范(知识产权法)不足以控制大型企业利用知识产权对公平自由的市场秩序的破坏,需要其他的法律规范加以调整。
Because of the mutual-absorption of the common law system 'proxy principle and the continental law system' institution theory, it is feasible for the directors to undertake the civil liability to the corporation creditors in the legal science. 英美法系的代理原理和大陆法系的机关理论的相互借鉴与吸收,使得董事对公司债权人承担民事责任在法学理论上得以可行。
The highest court of the people's republic of china ordination the explanation for the obligations of spirit compensation for civil tort in February 26,2001, which regulate the corporation or other organizations must not ask for spirit compensation base on personality to be injured. 最高人民法院于2001年2月26日通过的《最高人民法院关于确定民事侵权精神损害赔偿责任若干问题的解释》中,明确指出法人或其他组织不得以人格权利受到侵害为由请求精神损害赔偿。
This article discusses the civil duty of corporation partnership according to the general rule of civil law of our country and relative explanations about laws. 结合我国《民法通则》和有关司法解释,就法人合伙的民事责任做了进一步探讨。
On Fiduciary Obligations of Investment Banks& In view of punishments against Top Ten Wall St. Firms A Probe into the Civil Obligations of the Initiators after the Establishment of a Corporation Limited 投资银行诚信法律责任简析&以华尔街十大投资银行被罚为线索股份有限责任公司成立后发起人民事责任探讨
In part three, I will introduce the current situation of Pay Administration system in Inner Mongolian Civil Aviation Airport Group Corporation in detail and analyze the existing problems. 第三部分是对内蒙古机场集团公司薪酬管理现状进行详细的介绍,并对其存在的问题进行分析。
In the process of making civil code in our country, because it is a main civil body, unlawful-person corporation organization should be as per law, so that corporation and person form civil body. 我国民法典民事主体体系结构中,非法人团体应该成为重要的民事主体,且应该将其纳入法人制度之中,从而形成以自然人、法人为内容的民事主体二元结构。
Compared with the common civil litigation, corporation litigation has its own characters on action condition, litigation body, litigation proceeding, litigation period, burden of proof, litigation results and verdict force. 公司诉讼在起诉条件、诉讼主体、诉讼程序、起诉期间、证明责任、诉讼结果归属及判决效力等方面与一般的民事诉讼都有所区别。
Corporation litigation is a special kind of civil litigation when special bodies disobey corporation laws under modern corporation systems. 公司诉讼是指因现代公司制度下的特定主体违反有关公司具体法律制度的规定而引发的一类特殊民事诉讼。
Therefore, the perfection of our Code of Civil Law should embody and meet the special demands of corporation litigation. 因此,我国《民事诉讼法》的修改应该体现和适应公司诉讼的这种特殊性需求。
Secondly, the paper will establishes the civil liability of the corporation liquidation obligors, which is the most important part of the system of the corporation liquidation obligors. It is also the key to solve the problems. 然后又构建了清算义务人的民事责任体系。此部分是清算义务人制度的主体部分,也是解决现实矛盾的关键。
The civil right capability system is the core content of the civil subject theory, the study on the corporation civil right capability has great significance to deepen understanding civil subject system. 民事权利能力制度是民事主体理论的核心内容,而对法人民事权利能力的研究对于深化理解民事主体制度无疑具有重大意义。
Based on the traditional Chinese culture, the Chinese culture fosters the special phenomena of civil law, such as the Chinese family-owned corporation. 植根于中国千年之文化沃土,中国的文化精神也造就了中国民法中的独特现象,中国家族公司便是其中一例。
So the writer still bases on the Civil Law and advocates to establish the invalid Defectively Established Corporation system in our country, and establish related legal proceedings to limit invalid application strictly and effectively. 因此,笔者仍然是依托大陆法系的框架,主张在我国建立公司瑕疵设立无效制度,并在此基础上通过设立相关的诉讼程序严格限制无效的适用。